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Share UNIMA-USA with Your Network!

Everyone has a website these days. Whether it’s a personal website, a company website, or a blog, all websites provide a platform for connection. Since UNIMA-USA is all about connection—between puppeteers, scholars, fans, and audiences—we want to ask you to consider adding our logo and/or link to your website.

Sharing UNIMA-USA with your digital network offers exposure to help us remain strong as an organization. It also shows that you are a vital member in a global community of like-minded individuals; that you strive to celebrate puppetry worldwide, all the time.

You can share your favorite part of what makes UNIMA-USA special. Share a link to our Puppetry Yellow Pages resource guide, where your company is listed; to our Puppetry Calendar, where a festival you’re performing in is scheduled; to information about the UNIMA-USA Scholarship to study abroad; to your favorite issue in our Puppetry International index; and to the Citations of Excellence page, simply because you want to share the best in puppetry!

Below is a logo you can display on your website, along with a brief description of UNIMA-USA you can copy and paste if you wish. Help us connect with your network. We’ll keep celebrating puppetry worldwide!

“UNIMA-USA is the United States branch of Union Internationale de la Marionnette, the international puppetry organization. Founded in 1966 with Jim Henson serving as its first chairman, UNIMA-USA works to promote international understanding and friendship through the art of puppetry.”