1996- ISSUE NO. 2
Table of Contents • Editor's Note
Solitary Style-development of a personal vision by Leslee Asch
A peculiar Itinerary-personal mythology in Barcelona by Joan Baixas
The Three Padlocks-A Russian Model by Michael Khoussid
The National Puppetry Conference- new works in CT by Richard Termine
XPT an Experiment in Atlanta by John Ludwig
L’ESNAM Institutional training in France by Andrew Periale
UNIMA Citations- Excellence recognized
Sol y Luna –rebirth of a myth in Mexico by Susan Bettmann
Puppetry, Politics, Circus and Farming in Nicaragua by Michael Romanyshyn
Faust and Kasperle-a curious alliance by Stephen Kaplin
A Chalk Circle-Eric Bass in Helsinki by Eric Bass
A Daring series-in the East Bay Area
The Art of Puppetry in the Age of Digital Manipulation by Jed Weissberg