Table of Contents • Editor's Note • Selections
1) An overview of the many variants of wayang, prepared by Karen Smith
2) A glossary of terms relevant to Indonesian wayang, compiled by Karen Smith
3) An interview with Sam Gold, who created a wayang Hamlet with visual inspiration by E. Gordon Craig
4) The full article on presenting Greek myths using wayang kulit figures by I Nyomen Sedana
5) The full article on Tizar Purbaya and his wayang golek lenong betawi by Karen Smith
6) The full article on the ritual uses of wayang kulit that still exist in Central Java by Joko Susilo
(This includes an entire storyline used in one of the ritual performances. To Westerners, I suspect this will seem quite exotic, strange and illuminating all at once.)
7) Additional images and descriptions of gunungan [The Tree of Life/Cosmic Mountain] including some rare and unusual figures, with thanks to Karen Smith, Kathy Foley and the collection of Tizar Purbaya.